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Find “My Account” in the header

In My Account page,customers have the options to sign in with their existing account, or if they have not got an account yet, they can create one by clicking “Continue” in the section of “New Customer”.

The latter will guide them to the Create an Account Page, which will require them to enter their First Name, Last Name, Email Address, and Password (they will have to confirm the password as well, and they will receive the Newsletters of your store, if selecting it). When they click Continue,

 the customer’s account will be created in your store. The following illustrations show the process of a new account’s creation in Sign In section.

Once the registration is completed user cans Login to your session

When the login is successfully, the “Logoff ” link will appear in the top of the page

The user can go to select the specific product and they can add the product in there session shopping cart

When the product put in the shopping cart the website will calculate the total cost of product, so the user can refer to process the order by email accordingly

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